2024 SET NEW MOON 🌀🔱🔆 VIRGO : Bund-ARIES become of an ESSENCE

2024 SET NEW MOON 🌀🔱🔆 VIRGO : Bund-ARIES become of an ESSENCE

+ 2024 SET NEW MOON 🌀🔱🔆 VIRGO : Bund-ARIES become of an ESSENCE 

good-day A-WA-RE-NESS Family  ^^🌙✨

YOU Ori swell et sound + 
loads bee’ goin’ on , et NRJ going allova eons  🌌 

virgo th one that won’t miss shooting to the tri-ple god-deesse moons both be-low and ab-ove 🌕

having phi-male aspects and mutable under MER-CUR x planet of communication et that has to lead our social ap-titude et style 🌕

she mut-able o blind-able in our cases +

this nu luna is very aligning with dem NRJs of building business, growth, expansion 🌱

The NM being about setting intentions and manifestations 🚀 



still to eb awar-ful of certain aspects ⚠️

virgo hi’a-chiever is super organ-ised et abel to MULTI-PLY ATcSHÈ  🌟

virgo peeps b VERY meti-culous as they are very work details oriented  📝

so its good to tap in-to ‘em NRJs of RE-STRUCTU-RING🛠️

JU-PITER bein’ bout ex-pans-ion, IT IS a GREAT time to work on our ssssWORDS 🌕

^^making our values gourde-holder , the THROAT ✨


WORDS are SWORDS, spin 7 times ton-gues b-fore spit-ting tongue out 🌕

same way capitals with what one reads matters they can either start a RAW or end one - you choise 🌕

it is a good time to manifest, while working on the CON-PHI-DANCE-com-muni-cation skills at once 💪

could also be RE-STRUCT-U-RING o FENG SHUI - energy must et shall kip going ON 🌀

time to get that home et houses in order - meaning ZODIAKKUS sign-ATURs 🏡

clear BUND-ARIES around your friend circles, SHIPS and the likes 🚪


restrictive and full of bound - aries - the RAM acting lowkey from the top 🐏 

it SUR-FACES loads of our boundaries to be put on the ocean emotes where one need its SHIPs  🌊

navigate without WA’HALLA’ - its the UNI-verse best INTENTOS is sending some signs for us 🌠

being tested in order for US to re-main FOCUS  🙏

also with PERS-ON-AL BUND-ARIES had to be put in order k 🌕. 

simply having friends visiting over for eg. Could be a great opportunity to tryout those new sentences and skills you been working on from the shadow works under-grounds : 
might be taking it for OP-PORT-UNI-TIES to make it happen and check oneself with bound-aries, and how eye am impacted once en-forcing ( humanely of course) BUND-ARIES ^^^ 🌕

now lets ex-pl-ore the questionnings to tri-gg-er the HIGHERSELF ^ 🌕

+ WARMUPS for the j-ourn-al-NERDS ! 📓 +

+what are the consequences when the BUND-ARIES being crosses ? 🛑

  • what do you put in place to maintain, improve our TWEAK your BUND-SET ? 🛠️
  • is it bc of control, or because of feeling sWELL with your HIGERSELF ? 🌟

JU-PITER 🔱🔆TRINE for the intentions for man-i-festions


NEP-TUNE 🔱 RETRO opp to NM 🌊

dreams game is back again + keep that journal near bed + 🛏️

sometimes for clarity et vision enhancement ^^ ✨

S-PI-RITU-AL ri-tu-al-i-ty is being tested nowadays + 🧘‍♀️

eye can feel ‘em in-tens-ively 💫

EYE use this NRJs opportunities to shape my DREAMS recording game, what will you be doin +^ 📚

there will be laods of re-v-ela-t-ions et areas where FO-C-U-S ORI be needed ! 🔍

for eg. STARTING RO-MAN-TI-CIN-SING areas where one is over criticising with ONESELF 💘

Hw can EYE RO-MAN-ti-cise this ? 💫

What AREAS of life would this RO-MAN-SET be applied °° ✨

What are the dreams re-v-ela-t-ions ^^ 🌙


Being Mindful of PEEPS leaking up your s-pi-ritu-al NRJ + ⚠️
sometimes, there is that very friend needing attention on particular topic ^ 💭
right now, be mindful whom you ope-ned those E-MOTION-AL energies with ^^+ 💓
BE AROUND YOUR TRIBE, with same intuitive vision to self expansion and self realisation +++ 🤝

Here come the questionnaires + 🎨

  1. Unpack aspects of yourself that you want to be working on ^:
    SELF, i-nn-er N-UR-T-URE, SOCIAL and RO-MAN-TICISE THEM by flipping them in to attributes ^^+ 💭

  2. TRUST your process and being intention-al about PRACTICING more com-pas-sion with YOURSELF ^ ✨

    FOR-GIVE yourself for past mis-takes ^^

    SUR-FACE the WAHALA, name THEM , EXT-R-ACT the lessons and LEARNS from that


    virgo being high CHIEF achievers, the challenges coming to them is the amount of com-passion

    for th-em-selves ° ° ° give YOU that SELF-A-WA-RE-NESS ! ^^

    the virgo can be overly Cri-Ti-Kal ++

    + DO THE ROM-ANCE et see for YOURSELF ^^ 💖 +

    ITS TIME to also COM-PLY that com-pas-sion and at-tent-ion you give to the oUter world ?^^ 💕

    sWELL, use that NRJ within and look into those aspects of yourself that need the AD-V-ISES.

    PRIEST should practice his own PREACH ^^ ✨

    LESSONS are there for us to MOVEUP the la-dd-er, while naming our KARMAS
    It is the WAY up the PI-LL-ARS of MERCI ^^ 🙏
    the PHI-male pi-ll-ar is really what needs to be taken care of ^^
    FEELINGS (inner) are NOT EM-O-TIONS (once expressed with sWORDS) ✨
    As a resultcone can state you came across the hill, you swing the waters under bridgesc^^
    So LOADS com-passion for SELF ^^ 💓

  3. ASS-E-SS your bound-aries and strengthen the boundaries on ways that will help U more con-fi-dent and com-fort-able on your spiritual journey + 🌀

  4. Set IN-TENT-IONS to enhance your security in specific area of life et elevate con-fi-dance areas of life + 🔆

  5. MANIFEST ease and financial and social life. And be opened to clarity and how to embrace that ease ✨

    Man-i-fe-st-ing EASY will coming to al-i-gn-ment with JU-PITER tri-ning. 🌠
    man-i-festing a-bund-ance, MORE confidence, more hopefully, wishfully more operand to the ideas, concepts and divine knowledge that the YOU is Your OWN universe 🌍

+ NOW THE FOOD FOR ThOts 🍽️ + 

+ PROMPTS *****

SAT N-A-M ! Come to ORIMI 🌀 ^^ +

  1. What is your next level of financial growth ? ^^ 💰
    for eg.
  • Make it more money ° 💵
  • Learning and navigating new source of incomes °°
  • Better BUDGETING °°^^ 📝
    What is your next action that would step to expand in that area ^^ ✨
    for eg.
  • real estate ^^ 🏠
    that next level, will make you pay more at-tent-ion to the k-now-ledge of est-ates.
  • next stream of income
    necessity to learn about VISONBOARD and APPLYing it ++ 💭
  1. That bound-aries you wish to exp-and ? + ^^
    What are they about ?
    Why are they important to you right NOW ? ^^
    what does com-m-uni-cating these boundaries
  • looks ^
  • sounds ^
  • tones ^ 🎤
    sWORDS… with the tempo, with intentions of spreading the full BOT-SCHAFT or SHIP soaring the oceans of E-MOTIONS ^^ 🌊
    What is the con-se-quences when these bound-aries being CROSSED + 
    at the moment, focusing on ONE specific bound-ary that you would want to act upon ✋+
    For eg.
  • your res-ponse to IN-FOR-C-ING and ST-AT-ING bound-aries 💪 ^^
  • what comes after ? So the WHY did this bound-aries being stated 💪 ?
    EM-PATHY is key here ^^ 💖
  • First the ID of the WA-H-ALA with NAMING it ^^ ++
  • the skills to COMMUNICATE them in righteous MAAT ++ ✨
  • the whole  ^^ 

+ till then, wsih you swell and send you some Astchè + 

OLA Tundé 


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