AUGUST 2024 NEW MOON IN LEO - LIONSGATE 888 How to tap into abundance, karma (DHARMA) and rebirth

AUGUST 2024 NEW MOON IN LEO - LIONSGATE 888 How to tap into abundance, karma (DHARMA) and rebirth

Goodday, family! 🌟

eye wish you're all well and sound ! 

Today, eye wanted to explore the ongoing energies in LEO and do some bits of numerology. Here we go.  

New Moon & Sun in Leo: A Fiery Fusion 🔥

Feel the energy in the AIR! 🌬️

This New Moon in Leo, with the Sun and Venus joining the party, is a cosmic power trio! 💫 Historically, these celestial alignments have captivated cultures worldwide, from the Greeks and Romans to the ancient Egyptians in KEMET. 
And guess what? On top on that, magic number 888 is shining bright in this sky show, promising abundance and karma balance. 💰⚖️ Here is how to tap in all of these.

🌌 As Above, So Below: Connect to Your Cosmic Core 🌌

The Aquarian NU Age has awakened our cosmic consciousness.
There are so many various ongoing events around the world that can show that.
There is nothing new under the sun, and now finally lies are being revealed and exposed. 

The easiness to BELIEVE of the earlier age of PISCES really shifted for the BETTER into AQUARIUS. (under Father SATURN ruling ! so more limitations and structures vs. Jupiter who is all about expanding, shining and destroying mother EARTH by the same).
It was about time ! Every age era or YUGA last about 2160 years ! So the White Jesus, arms opened at the gate of heavens waiting with a piece of bread and some wine, has to be revisited ! 

Now PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW ! And they want to know WHY ! And they SHALL KNOW ! 
the AQUARIAN age will last 2160 years under Saturn, followed by CAPRICORN age for another 2160 years. So we can state that we are SETh for some good time ahead ! MORE of spirituality and LESS ego-driven  expensive (expansive) trips. 

We now KNOW that the chaos, confusions (wars, politics, social manipulations usw. ) and revelations are just the natural order of things for the shift. So now that we do acknowledge that it is what it is, let's tap into the roaring energy of LEO and learn some tipps on how to unleash our inner power! 💪

🌟 You Are a Star! Shine Bright 🌟

Everyone is unique and special, just like a fingerprint. 🌍 LEO energy ignites your creativity and courage from within. You will feel these peaks of energy and bursts !  

But remember, EGO can be a sneaky shadow fellow 🎭 So, be mindful of its whispers and choose early enough harmony over wahala and drama. 🕊️ :

"EGO, EYE SEE YOU.ego eye see you. EGO eye see you. "
a mantra that works wonders sarcastically - half joke half truth
- try it out and let us know.

For those eager to know what's going on (wagwan): its been some time we been doing the shadow work thru the past moons prompts energies. 
Get back to the spirits of these last MOONS and get inspired for some shadow work.
Time being illusion, working on the past might actually be what might unlock doors for you in the NOW ! What do we know.... 

Mercury Retrograde: Communication Check 🔄

Mercury, the planet of communication ( divinable on the Mercury-Day or Mercredi in French - read articles about weekdays), is taking a detour! 

Thankfully by now, we know about her dance🛣️
Expect unexpected twists in conversations and travel plans. 
Re-check that mail before sending it ! But hey,
this is also the chance to reconnect with yourself and refine your thoughts....🤔 ....
(Even now eye feel like there is something I am missing writing this...)

Venus in Leo: Love, Beauty, and Boldness 💖

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is shining bright in Leo. 
So, expect a certain boost in creativity energies,
romance, and self-expression. 🎨❤️

Just as the Nile River nourishes Egypt (and never gets empty) , the goddess Oshun symbolizes abundance, love, and fertility. Her energy encourages us to flow with life's rhythms and trust in the universe's provision. Similarly, Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and fortune, reminds us that abundance comes from within.

So, even when your path seems unclear, trust that guidance is all-ways available. 
ASK the universe for inspiration and alignment with your higher purpose and you shall RECEIVE.
Remember, (our definition of/manifestation of) success and happiness are often found in unexpected places. 
So, Let your intuition be your compass as you navigate through this ocean of emotions with your feelings.
🧭 This is a time to pamper yourself and surround yourself with beauty in aspects of your *SHIPS ( read about the meaning behind the correlation ) . 🌸

Pluto Retrograde: Deep Dive into Transformation 🌊

Pluto is stirring things up! 🌪️
This is a time for deep inner work and transformation. So "the letting go of what no longer serves you and embracing the NU , your power " - kind of energy is all around the place !. 💪 Good times for some smudging (do not forget to open that window and let the actual bad vibes go out :) ), some cleansing with fire element and / or some candles sitting on your intentions to charge them up with magick.  

The Magic of 888: A Gateway to Abundance

The Lion's Gate on August 8th is a portal to higher realms. 
2024, the Year of Dragon happens to be adding up to 8 ! 
2+0+2+4 = 8 ! 
The lionsgate of this year also happens to fall on the 8th of August ! 

So we have ourselves a triple 8 occurance event ! _

Allora ! - a portal is many thing ! Your skin for eg. is a physical portal, a gate to another microcosmic realms of existence with tissues, blood cell, DNA and the aeons of smaller fractals realities.

It's all-ways amusing to me (old dedicated scientist believer) how science, while delving into the microscopic world, often overlooks the macrocosmic truths. Scientists, equipped with microscopes, become entangled and puzzled by the infinite patterns of the cellular realm, seemingly baffled by its complexity. Yet, the answers they seek reside not externally, but within the depths of consciousness.

So these gate are better conduit to dwelve into the other realms and do the work from the other side. it is a great time to close those EYES and figure about the whirlpool of thoughts ongoing within with that inner light. Connect with your higher self ORI and let the magic unfold. -


888 Unleashing the Power Within: The 8 as a Hidden 33 💫

The number 8 is a symbol of balance, infinity, and abundance.

Did you know the number 8 holds a secret? It's actually a hidden 33! 🤯
(Y'all ready know that JESUS did COMEOUT at 33 years old ! as mentioned in the bible- I shall explore that in another blog - we talk Jakob ladder and them 33 vertebras of the spine !)

Imagine a circle with the number 8. when you split it in half horizontally, you'll see two number 3s facing each other.
This symbolizes the union of masculine and feminine energies,
creating life itself. 🧬
YINYANG that ! 

33: The Cosmic Dance of Creation 💃🕺

The number 3 represents the trinity: mind, body, and spirit.
When doubled to 33,
it signifies a balance and harmony between these three aspects. It's like the perfect cosmic dance! 🕺💃

3rd EYE... the 3 STARS or maybe the 3 EYES ?

The Lion's Gate Portal is an annual cosmic alignment occurring during Leo season, where Earth, Sirius, and Orion align within the Leo constellation.
NOW Imagine the Orion Belt as a celestial gateway connecting Earth to the cosmos. This cosmic alignment corresponds to the hypothalamus, pineal, and pituitary glands, often referred to as the body's third eye.
👁️ It’s here that intuition and prophetic abilities are ignited, allowing us to tap into deeper levels of consciousness. 💫Just like the Orion Belt, which is often depicted as three stars giving birth to STARS, it helped our ancestors building the PYRAMIDS of GIZA and it shall surely help us today to Re-Member who we ARE and re-ALIGN with the divine purpose. 

The great Architects are back fam !
They just need to be re-membered !
🧭 Trust your gut feelings and let your inner voice lead the way. 💫

It’s no wonder the ancient Egyptians revered this number 3! 

8 is all about karma - actions and their consequences. ⚖️

Get ready for a mini-cleansing peak in the coming days! 🧼
This is an ideal time to focus on releasing those old patterns and transmuting negative karma. 💫

"What goes around, may as well come around !"
"What you throw up in the AIR, might as well FALL one day !"

"Even when the LIES get down the building using a fast lift, the TRUTH using the stairs shall come first" - incognito - African Proverb 

The Midnight Rebirth: Amun-Ra

The final 8 in this sequence symbolizes rebirth, a transformation as profound as the night turning into day. Like the Egyptian deity Amun-Ra, who concealed his true name, we too carry within us a hidden potential waiting to be unveiled.

Amun-Ra, the creator, ruler, and destroyer, embodies the cyclical nature of existence. His journey from Khepera, the morning sun, to RA, the midday sun, and finally TEMU, the setting sun, mirrors our own life paths. But it is as Amun-Ra, the hidden force of creation, that we find the key to rebirth.

In the darkness of night, as Amun-Ra, we plant the seeds of intention. This is a time to let go, to surrender to the unknown, and to trust in the process of renewal. As dawn breaks, we emerge transformed, ready to embrace a new chapter like the plants sprouting (springing) out from the darkness (of winter) of SEEDS. 

The Cosmic Triad and the Human Microcosm 🌌

The Orion Belt, a celestial masterpiece, mirrors the human microcosm.
Where it shines,
three cosmic forces align: AUSET (greek isis) , Heru (greek HORUS), and Ausar (greek OSIRIS)

For the newbies, it is important to note the importance of symbolism for re-memberance.
Europeans (greeks) travelled down south to the Nile in Africa to learn about humanity. They eventually got inspired, and copied the whole pantheon of gods and goddesses laying on the walls of KHEMET. Here are some depictions from european mindsets about the african spirituality

  • Osiris or Ausar is often depicted as the benevolent king and god of the afterlife. He represents order, civilization, and agriculture.
  • Isis or Auset is the loving and powerful goddess, wife of Osiris. She is often associated with motherhood, magic, and healing.  
  • Horus or Heru is the son of Osiris and Isis, a powerful deity representing kingship, the sky, and falconry.

OM Ausar Auset ... (little breath of rebirth) ... HEERRUUU  
(mantra to into the 888. the ending HERU like how you sing OM shanti shanti shantiiii)

From an spiritual esoteric perspective :
Ausar, Jupiter's expansive wisdom, resides in the hypothalamus, orchestrating balance.
Auset, Saturn's somber grace, governs the pituitary, the body's master gland.
Mars' fiery spirit, ignites the pineal, the seat of intuition.

Together, they form a cosmic triad, a potent force within us. Like the Nile, nourished by Auset's waters, our bodies thrive under their influence. As we align with this celestial rhythm, we unlock our innate potential and connect with the deeper currents of existence.

Just as the Nile River nourishes Egypt, the goddess Oshun symbolizes abundance, love, and fertility. Her energy encourages us to flow with life's rhythms and trust in the universe's provision. Similarly, Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and fortune, reminds us that abundance comes from within.

So, even when your path seems unclear, trust that guidance is available. ASK the universe for inspiration and alignment with your higher purpose. Remember, success and happiness are often found in unexpected places. Let your HERU sunlight intuition be your compass as you navigate this journey. 🧭

Journal Prompts

  1. What does spiritual enlightenment mean to you ?
    What does the ORI higher self (North STAR Sirius) symbolise for you?
    What are your signs of enlightenment? What’s your next level of elevation, revelation and transcendence?
  2. How has karma impacted your life?
    What areas of karma wheel do you want to cleanse, transmute, and/or transcend?
  3. Imaginations
    If you had the opportunity to choose a time period and place to astral project to, where would it be and why?
  4. Manifestations
    If you could manifest ONE thing right now, what would it be and what would be the intentions behind it? What’s next after it manifests? ( one thing is to ask for something, another is to get further once that thing manifest)
  5. LET GO
    Reflect on the law of detachment (from the 7 spiritual laws of success). What are the signs and symbols that your desires are manifesting? What does it look like, smell like, feel like? It is a good time to charge your sigils with prayers, dances, and intents, then LET THEM GO.

For the worms readers and scripters, here are some extra prompts to trigger, guide and enhance the shadow work period for reflexions.

  • What lights up your soul? 🌟
  • How can you step into you leadership role? 👑
    ( the Leo King willing to lead )
  • What creative projects are calling to me? 🎨
    (HetHeru ; Lackshmi would be great to invoke ) 
  • How can I cultivate more self-love? 💖
    ( you can also embody a deity and dance it off till you sweat) 
  • What limiting beliefs am I ready to release? 🔓
    ( after the sweat you can RELEASE those and move on !) 


Breathe, Meditate, Manifest 🧘‍♀️

1. Connect with your inner peace through breathwork and meditation.
Visualize your desires and allow them manifestions into reality.

2. 💫 888 symbolizing infinity, abundance, and spiritual growth, you can practice breathwork
(holding your intentions within) with intermittent 8 sec. retention to CLEARLY state those intentions of yours. You decide how to to create that for yourself ♾️💰🌱

3. 108 x OM Ausar Auset ... (little breath of rebirth) ... HEERRUUU  
(mantra to tap into the 888. the ending HERU like how you sing OM shanti shanti shantiiii)
GREAT for manifestations ! 

You are a masterpiece in the making!

Believe in yourself and let your light shine. 💫

Let's reconnect with our true selves and the wisdom of the stars together. 🌙


From me to you, Ashè

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