BLUE AUGUST 2024 SUPER FULL MOON in AQUARIUS : embracing the new AGE and the spirit of "The Wanderer"

BLUE AUGUST 2024 SUPER FULL MOON in AQUARIUS : embracing the new AGE and the spirit of "The Wanderer"

Goodday Family !

eye wish you are all well and sound !

So much is ongoing right now and eye wish you are doing the daily work to keep it sane balanced and clear within as without !

Today, my intentions are to explore the ongoing Full Moon in Aquarius and how SHE (the TRIPLE GODDESS) draws us into a space where intellect meets emotion.
Aquarius being an air sign, they naturally embodies innovation, freedom, and a deep connection to humanity. The Aqua-man is gifted with huge iQ (intellectual Quotient) in GROUPS. They have this natural entitlement though very emotional. Aquarius process and channel feelings in ways that might appear "detached" or intellectual to others. 

So best way to tap into an Aquarius Moon, would be a stimulating conversation or a shared creative project as a profound expression of love and friendship. 💬💡

🗓 Mayan Calendar Insights: BLUE Self-Existing Night
Let's explore the Mayan calendar and the synchronicity from their calendar to help us explore today's Full Moon energy. Funny that the energy of the BLUE SELF EXISTING NIGHT are concurring with the SUPER BLUE MOON ! 
And today is a Galactic Portal Gate, so very optimal to meditate ! Here are the today's affirmation : 

I Define in order to Dream,Measuring Intuition.
I seal the Input of AbundanceWith the Self-Existing tone of Form.
I am guided by the power of Self-Generation. 🌙

Unlocking the MAYAN Wisdom of Dreams 💤

Our dreams at night grant us unfettered access to the purpose and intentions of our highest Self ORI. They allow our mind to rest, allowing the Soul to take over, being nurtured by wisdom and plugged directly with the Source. 🌌✨

In our dream state, we tap into the deepest wisdom of our Spirit, operating in the astral realm filled with abundance and possibility. Only upon awakening from sleep, our ego re-integrate into the matrix, bringing in unresolved fears, anxieties, and perceived limitations. These feelings can cloud what we believe is possible in our lives. 
A good morning rituals in bed, are recommended to align with the higher purposes. 
The SAVERS methods from "Miracle Morning" are great practice to start a day and set thy intentions tones. 

The Power of Integration 🔮

We are the creators of our lives. We are gifted with the talents that will help us creating the life we are supposed to live. But, first we need to real-eyes them.

                                            -  Tupac Shakur

The Mayan Blue Self-Existing Night reminds us to dream EYES open.
When we integrate the wisdom of our Soul Self with the knowledge of our Human Self, our abundant creative abilities are fully unleashed. 💫

To manifest dreams, one must give them clear definition, knowing exactly what is it we are creating.
We need dreams and definition, intuition and measurement, abundance and structure.
The yin-yang complementarity approach helps defining an authentic base for ourselves.

🔮 Back to the Gregorian Calendar: Navigating Retrogrades and Revelations The Spirit of the Wanderer 🧭

The energy of the Aquarius Full Moon, combined with multiple ongoing retrogrades, invites us to embrace the spirit of the Wanderer.
The Wanderer is open to new experiences, exploring uncharted territories, and trusting the journey, even when the destination is unclear. 🌍

💬 Mercury Retrograde Opposite the Full Moon in Aquarius 🕊

Mercury governs communication, intellect, and travel. When in retrograde, it can disrupt these areas, leading to misunderstandings and travel challenges. During this retrograde, with its opposition to the Aquarius Full Moon, it’s crucial to stay flexible. Don’t over-plan trips or force situations that aren’t meant for you. Instead, embrace the Aquarius energy of going with the flow. 🌊


Self-study is key during this time.
Your birth chart is your “natural CROSS”—a map of your soul’s journey.
Dive into it to understand your true nature and life path. 🗺

☀️ Sun in Leo: Illuminating the Heart's Desires 🔥

The Sun represents our core essence, vitality, and conscious mind.
When in Leo, it amplifies our desire for recognition, creativity, and self-expression. 🌻

Connecting with Your Higher Self 🕊

With the Sun in Leo during this Aquarius Full Moon, we should focus on channeling your inner feelings into outward expressions of emotions, while being mindful about them. It’s a time to connect deeply with our ORI, our Higher Self.

📓 Journal Prompts for Aquarius Full Moon Reflection

  1. Who are you?
    How would you describe yourself?
    What are your greatest attributes and characteristics? 📝
  2. What would you like to release?
    Are there aspects of your attributes and characteristics you’d like to let go of or work on? 🌱
  3. What clarity do you need?
    What would you like to be revealed to you right now? 🔮
  4. What does FLOW mean to you?
    What does "going with the flow" look like in your life? 🌊
  5. Where would you wander?
    If you could become a wanderer right now, where would you go, and why? 🌍
    Write down your biggest dream and outline how to create it, even if it seems impossible. Trust in the Universe and stand in the future fulfilled. 💭

Extra reflection for the spiritual NERDS : 
Reflection—what is fact, and what is fiction in your reality?
What do your beliefs reveal about your inner self? 🌞✨

This Aquarius Full Moon invites us to balance intellect with emotion, dream big, and ground those dreams in reality. Embody he spirit of the Wanderer, be open to revelations, and trust that you are capable of manifesting your deepest desires.


Remember !
Life is HAPPENING for YOU!

What is for you, YOU SHALL have. ✨🌕

From me to YOU, Ashè ! 


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