JUNE 2024 NEW MOON in GEMINI - Embracing Duality

JUNE 2024 NEW MOON in GEMINI - Embracing Duality


Goodday Beautiful Souls! 🌟

Wish you are all well and thriving!

NEW MOON in Gemini 🌑♊️ 

This New Moon in Gemini brings forth energies of duality , communication, and adaptability. Let's explore how these cosmic vibrations can guide us:

Planetary Aspects in Gemini

✨ SUN & MOON in Gemini:
A time for new beginnings. Embrace curiosity and let your dual yinyang nature guide you. Perfect for setting intentions related to communication, learning, and versatility.

🌬️ MERCURY in Gemini:
Mercury rules Gemini, amplifying our ability to think, communicate, and connect. Use this time to clear your mind and articulate your Thoths .

❤️ VENUS in Gemini:
Relationships take on a playful and light-hearted energy. Great for socializing, flirting, and exploring different perspectives in love.

🔥 MARS in Leo:
Adding a fiery zest to our actions. Use this energy to confidently pursue your passions and stand out in your endeavors.

🪐 SATURN in Aquarius:
Saturn's influence brings structure and discipline. It's a good time to establish healthy boundaries and systems in your life.

💫 NEPTUNE in Pisces:
Enhancing our dreams and intuition.
Pay attention to your inner voice and let your imagination guide you.

Reflecting on the Silver Linings : Full Moon in Sagittarius to New Moon in Gemini

From the expansive and philosophical energy of the Full Moon in Sagittarius, we've moved through a period of introspection and action. The alignment with Mars encouraged us to take bold steps, while Saturn helped us break old habits. Now, as we enter the New Moon in Gemini, we shift our focus to communication, adaptability, and embracing our dual yinyang nature.

This journey from the Full Moon to the New Moon reminds us of the continuous cycle of growth and transformation. Every phase offers opportunities to refine our Thoths, actions, and connections. It's all interconnected, and there are always chances to join in the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Reflection Prompts for the New Moon in Gemini:

1. What does duality look like for you? 🌗
How would you describe both sides of your spiritual and physical self? How do you balance these energies?

2. What boundaries do you want to be more assertive about? 🚧
How can you communicate these boundaries in a healthy way?

3. When energy is low, what’s your go-to “pick-me-up” method? 🌟 (Breathwork, affirmations, etc.)

4. How disciplined are you when it comes to following your intuition? 🧘‍♀️
How can you increase that spiritual discipline?

5. How do you decide what to keep private and what to share with your tribe? 🗣️


✨ Join our community and mailing list for more insights on ancient skincare wisdom and esoteric teachings. Skincare isn't just about looking good; it's a path to knowing thyself.
By being conscious of what we apply to our skin, we align with our true nature and honor the largest organ of our body. Let's reconnect with our true selves and the wisdom of the stars together. 🌙

Stay curious and keep exploring, family! 🌟

From me to you, Ashè

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