JUNE FULL MOON in CAPRICORN - Embracing the Balance

JUNE FULL MOON in CAPRICORN - Embracing the Balance

Goodday Family! 🌟

Wish you are all well and sound!

As we embrace the Full Moon in Capricorn, let's delve into the powerful planetary aspects of Cancer and reflect on the journey from the New Moon in Gemini to this Full Moon. This period is a time of growth and introspection, helping us to harness the energies for our personal and spiritual development. 🌕

Full Moon in Capricorn: Embracing the Balance

Did You Know?
Capricorns are not only Earth signs but also have a hidden watery emotional depth as represented by their half-goat, half-fish symbol. As a capricorn, eye can tell you, we are emotional ! So, this Full Moon brings those hidden emotions to the surface, allowing us to confront and work through them.

Planetary Aspects in Cancer

Venus and Mercury Opposing in Cancer 🌊💬
With Venus and Mercury opposing in Cancer, our communication and emotions are highlighted. It's essential to be mindful of our words and how we express ourselves. The emotional intelligence of Capricorn can help us navigate this opposition, reminding us to be considerate and gentle in our interactions.

Neptune and Chiron Squaring🌌🔮
This square aspect brings to light the emotional triggers that affect us deeply. It's a time to be mindful of what we allow into our universe and how it influences our responses. Being aware of our speech tone, breath tempo, and overall awareness adds up to the delivery of our messages.

Mars and Uranus Trining 🌟🚀
This trine encourages us to try new things in our spiritual practices and rituals. Embrace the innovative energy and explore new ways to connect with your spirituality.

Silver Linings: From New Moon in Gemini to Full Moon in Capricorn
Reflecting on the journey from the JUNE New Moon in Gemini, we've navigated duality and embraced new beginnings. Now, with the Full Moon in Capricorn, it's time to assess our progress and ground ourselves in our achievements.


Reflection Prompts:

1. What goals have you achieved this year? 🏆
2. Are you on track to achieve your yearly goals? What steps can you take to get closer to your goals and progress forward? 📈
3. How is your emotional intelligence? How often do you check in with your emotions, identify them, and communicate them effectively? 🌿
4. How do you practice emotional control? What new spiritual practice can enhance your emotional control? (is it breathwork ? 🧘
5. What are the roots of some of your most sensitive emotional triggers? How do they prevent you from feeling grounded and balanced? How do you plan to work on these triggers? 🌳


Embracing Emotional Intelligence

During this Full Moon, be mindful of your communication. The energy of Capricorn helps us stay grounded while Cancer encourages us to be in tune with our emotions. Balancing these energies can lead to profound personal growth and harmony.

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Let's reconnect with our true selves and the wisdom of the stars together. 🌙

From me to you, Ashè

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