MAY 2024 FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS - Curiosity might kill the lonely cat

MAY 2024 FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS - Curiosity might kill the lonely cat

Goodday, family! 🌟

eye wish you're all well and sound!
Full Moon shadow period still ongoing  in Sagittarius , so here we go.

Full Moon in Sagittarius 🌕♐️

This energy is all about being philosophical, idealistic, and curious to explore new ways.


Let's dive into what the stars have in store for us:

What to TAP into?

✨ TRINE with MARS:
It's a perfect time to take action and get things done. Channel your energy into physical deeds and initiatives.

Unlearn old habits and beliefs. Re-establish routines that align with your true self.

Be mindful of low-vibe thoughts and moods stemming from the gut.

Release those wahala (troubles) with the supportive energy of Mars and Saturn.

Pay attention to your dreams—they're intensified right now. Keep a dream journal to capture insights.

With Sagittarius Full Moon opposite Sun in Gemini, use that cocky energy to speak up, claim your space, and correct what needs to be set right.


Reflection Prompts for Self-Realization and Knowing Thyself:

1. What patterns and behaviours do you want to UNLEARN and release with this Full Moon energy?

2. Which low-vibe thoughts (fear-based) are blocking you?
Are these just pretentious defenses to protect yourself?

3. Which topics do you want to explore and learn more about?

4. Are there any venture- SHIPS 🚢 (relationships, contracts, partnerships, entrepreneurial ventures) you want to embark on? What does that journey look like for you?

5. What thoughts and emotions come up when you are in ALONENESS (not loneliness)?

- Are these thoughts positive, transcending, and uplifting?
- Or are they negative patterns from past traumas?
Imagine a scenario where things get better and think of a positive affirmation to lift those thoughts up again

ashè !
Stay curious and keep exploring family! 🌟

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