Goodday Family, 

Eye wish you all are well and sound, harvesting your power by any means. 
Up to another one ! 
Solar Eclipse and we been feeling them NRJs ! 
A lot is going on on the NEWS, on Social Media and sadly it can distract us from what is RIGHT in FRONT of our Nose - or should eye say EYE. 

What comes to your mind when you think of the energy of LIBRA BALANCE SCALES ? 
Did you notice how the LADY of JUSTICE has mostly been, BLINDFOLDED ?
Did you reckon that her SWORD is waving for WAR ?
Did you see how her SCALES are OFF and UN-balanced ?
Knowing the Power of Symbols on our SUBconscious with the LOGOS, let's dive into the HISTORY of the Symbols of Justice through our different cultures and get some sense out of it. 

Eye suggest you google about everything eye share, in order to shape your own spirit of critics. 

LADY Justice : Ancient Romans and Greeks from the 1600s

Lady Justice is an allegorical personification of the moral force in judicial systems.
Her attributes are scales, a sword and sometimes a blindfold.
She often appears as a pair with Prudentia.

Lady Justice originates from the personification of Justice in Ancient Roman art known as Iustitia or Justitia, who is equivalent to the Greek goddess Dike/Astraea.

The origin of Lady Justice was Justitia (or Iustitia), the goddess of Justice within Roman mythology. Justitia was introduced by emperor Augustus, and was thus NOT A VERY OLD DEITY in the Roman pantheon.

Justice was one of the virtues celebrated by emperor Augustus in his clipeus virtutis, and a temple of Iustitia was established in Rome by emperor Tiberius. Iustitia became a symbol for the virtue of justice with which every emperor wished to associate his regime; emperor Vespasian minted coins with the image of the goddess seated on a throne called Iustitia Augusta, and many emperors after him used the image of the goddess to proclaim themselves protectors of justice.

Though formally called a goddess with her own temple and cult shrine in Rome, it appears that she was from the onset viewed more as an artistic symbolic personification rather than as an actual deity with religious significance.

- Wikipedia 

Again, one can sense that same Patriarchal Energy up-coming trying their best to change the natural laws and order of things of the nature and MA'AT principles.

Blindfold since 1600s 

Since the 1600s, Lady Justice has often been depicted wearing a blindfold. The blindfold was originally intended to show Justice as blind to the injustice carried on before her , but it has been reinterpreted over time and is now understood to represent impartiality
( -This even sounds complicated to wRITE ! -)
... ideally that justice should be applied without regard to wealth, power, or other status
(- how is she doing NOWADAYS with this im-partiality ? eye wish you can see where eye am going with the LOGOS and blindfolds-)
The earliest Roman coins depicted Justitia with the sword in one hand and the scale in the other, but with her eyes uncovered. Justitia was only commonly represented as "blind" since the middle of the 16th century.
The first known representation of blind Justice is Hans Gieng's 1543 statue on the Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen (Fountain of Justice) in Bern.

Instead of using the Janus approach, many sculptures simply leave out the blindfold altogether. London for eg., a statue of Lady Justice stands without a blindfold; the courthouse brochures explain that this is because Lady Justice was originally not blindfolded, and because her "maidenly form" is supposed to guarantee her impartiality which renders the blindfold redundant.

- Wikipedia 




 NOW, let's leave this very young Trick and Treat representation of Justice, with their SWORDS for war, and the confusion of SIGHT and let's go back to the ROOTS to the Ancient Egyptian civilisation of KHEMET. 

Back to the Pyramids.
With MA'AT her feather, her demeter and her scales ! 



Which one of these two GODDESS principles would you be keen to have as a DAMOCLES sword hanging on your ORÍ ?


The reason eye am solemnly mentioning and referring to older narratives is because of 
- NATIVE (nati -)
- INDIGENeous (- genes)
- ORIGIN-al (- genes)
- INITI-al  (init -) 
All are sharing in their ETYMOLOGY and in their essence and NATURE of TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS.  

Now let's MINGLE with the NRJs ongoing and figure how we CAN S-ARK-ASTIKALLY erase the many SPELLS that have been inflicted to US generations and the ONES before. 

The Shadow WORK is for real ! 


🌑 New Moon in Libra SOLAR ECLIPSE ♎️:
A Sacred Call for Balance and Renewal

As we enter this New Moon in LIBRA, the cosmos invites us to realign with the sacred principles of balance ⚖️, harmony 🕊️, and renewal 🌱.
LIBRA scales remind us of MA'AT, the ancient KHEMETIC goddess of Truth, Justice, and Cosmic Balance 🪶.
This ARCHetype reminds us that NOW is the time to reflect deeply on where we are out of balance, and how we can restore harmony in our life.

The connection between LIBRA scales and MA'AT is a sacred reflection of the universe's natural law — a call for balance between our YIN and YANG, the feminine and masculine, the seen and unseen forces that guide our existence. 


🌟 Ma’at & Libra’s Scales: Aligning with Cosmic Justice ⚖️

MA'AT weighs the hearts 💓 of the departed (the Father that shall become Ancestor ÈMMI) - against the feather of TRUTH 🪶 in the afterlife, just as LIBRA prompts us to find balance in our earthly relationships.

During this New Moon, ask yourself:

  • Am I living in alignment with my truth?
  • Where am I out of balance, and what needs realignment?

🔮 The energy of this New Moon also urges us to look at healing 🩹— especially old wounds 🌿 that may be blocking our flow of abundance and peace.

 During this YINYANG SOLAR ECLIPSE time , revelations are bound to surface — from within ourselves and our communities. So pay attention and use these opportunities righteously !
These revelations are not just about right and wrong but about healing and understanding.
The balancing of polarities, both internal and external, is key to the transformative energy of this New Moon. It asks: How can we balance nurturing and providing? Healing and action?

Before jumping into this, let's give hommage to AFRIKAN spirituality and review the events that went on in the past weeks. 

🌍✨ Homage to the African New Year:
The Birth of the Sun from VIRGO's  Womb 🌞🌿

On September 23rd, as the Sun emerged from the sacred womb of VIRGIN - Divine Mother 🌾 (has been once again changed into Young VIRGO by the Patriarchal Sh'bang - story for another time ), we celebrated the African New Year—ushering in a cycle of cosmic renewal and birth. This ancient day marks not only a new beginning but also the sacred balance of day and night, a time when light and darkness dance in equilibrium before the SCALES tip towards winter ❄️ in the NORTH and Spring 🌱 in the SOUTH. 


🌄 The Birth of the Sun:
A Gift from the Divine Mother

Just as VIRGO, the Divine Mother, gives birth to the Sun each year, we too experience our personal rebirth 🌟. Re-member ! Them 12 glands are within YOU ! 
With her tender care, she cradles the light and releases it to the world, illuminating our path as we stand at the threshold of change.
As the Sun journeys through the cosmos, we feel its warmth waning, preparing us for the quiet whispers of winter’s nightfall. 

But down SOUTH in the MOTHERLAND 🌍, our brothers and sisters embrace the Sun’s return, as the Earth awakens beneath their feet 🌸. For them, it is a season of growth, of blossoming potential, while we in the NORTH begin the sacred descent into stillness, reflection, and inner transformation 🌓.

The Winter is coming Fam ! 


🌀 Osiris Rises in ARIES :
The Return of the King AUSAR 

As the NORTHERN lands prepare for the cold embrace of winter ❄️, we turn our eyes to Aries, where the energy of HWSAR Osiris rises once more.

Osiris, the eternal King, resurrects from the depths of the underworld to stand as the beacon of hope and strength 



His resurrection is very much resembling the one mentioned in the BABEL books, except only that this NARRATIVE is ages older as ORIGINAL and INDIGENOUS. 

HWSAR Osiris reminds us that even in the darkest moments of our year, light and renewal are promised on the other side of the cycle.

ARIES—the sign of new beginnings—spARKS the flame of OSIRIS’ rebirth, inspiring us to remember that from darkness, the light SHALL return. As we prepare for the coming months of cold, we are reminded that like Osiris, we too are capable of resurrection and transformation.

What will we leave behind in the season of death WINTER, so that we may rise anew when the Sun returns to full strength in ARIES MARCH 2025?

A Cosmic Balance of Life and Death

The African New Year reminds us of the cosmic balance of life and death, shadow-light , growth and decay, birth and resurrection. The Sun born from VIRGIN Virgo depicts a season of inner reflection for those in the NORTH hemispheres and a time of rebirth for those in the SOUTH.
As the scales tip, we honour the eternal cycles of MA'AT and the rise of Osiris, knowing that both endings and beginnings are sacred.



May this New Moon in LIBRA help us realign with these ancient truths, and may we journey through the coming season with balance, grace, and hope. 🌑💫


NOW, that we know wagwan lets dwelve into the aspects and prompts for the



🌱 Cosmic Energies: Chiron’s Healing Influence 🧿

TRAUMAS being the roots of most reactions, the wounded healer, Chiron who plays a powerful role this lunar cycle, is offering us many chances to heal old emotional scars 🧘🏽‍♀️.
What past hurt are you ready to release so that you can step fully into your divine power?
Chiron encourages healing through understanding 🤝, rather than holding on to resentment.



🌗 Divine Feminine & Sacred Masculine: Balancing the Yin & Yang 🌓

LIBRA also invites us to harmonize the divine feminine 🌸 and sacred masculine 🦅 energies within us. This balance is necessary for us to flow effortlessly with the universe.  Ask yourself:

  • Am I embodying enough nurturing and intuition (Divine Feminine 🌙)?
  • Am I taking bold, aligned action where needed (Sacred Masculine ☀️)?

Let the New Moon be a time to restore your inner equilibrium ✨.


🌍 Ancestral Offerings & Elemental Gratitude 💨🔥🌊

In honoring this LIBRA New Moon, and the re-birth of the SUN symbolising the bridge between underworld and physical realms;  take a moment to connect with your ancestors 👵🏾 and offer your gratitude to the elements 🌿. Whether it's an offering to the water 💧, a prayer carried by the wind 🌬️, or lighting a sacred flame 🔥, show respect to the natural forces that guide and sustain us. 

🕊️ Practical Self-Care Rituals for the Libra New Moon 💫

This New Moon is perfect for self-care rituals that restore balance in your mind, body, and soul 💆🏽‍♀️. Whether through journaling 📖, meditation 🧘🏾, or spending time in nature 🍃, allow your intuition to guide your healing. Let the stillness of the Libra moon bring peace and clarity to your life.

New Moon Reflection Prompts 🖋️🌑


  1. What does balance mean to you? 
    Does it manifest physically, materially ? 
    Is it that of a Mindful inner feeling ? 
    Is it that of expressing them emotions well ?
  2. What needs healing within you to feel FREE balanced again ?
  3. What am I ready to release to welcome new energy?
    The universe is ruled with LAW. One must give release, in order to welcome a new. 
    Give and Take. Shiva ShaktiBecoming and being. Evident and occult. Expelling and absorbing
    Masculine and feminine. Pingala and ida. THA and KA. Golden gate and Sanctum.. and the list can go on. 
  4. How can I better align with cosmic truth?
    Who is someone in your life that you would like to have deeper understanding of ?
    What questions would you ask them ? 

  5. How do the Divine Feminine 🌙 and Sacred Masculine ☀️ energies show up in your life?
    Nurturing vs. Providing
    Healing vs. Actions etc...


Take this sacred time of the New Moon in to center yourself, honor your journey and ancestries - without whom you would not be here reading these scripts-  and step into a more balanced and harmonious state of being. ✨🌑💜

Till then , inspire to get inspired ! 

From me to you, Ashè ! 

Ola Tundé


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