Goodday Family,
Before jumping into the moon rituals, let's review the last newsletter real quick.
One can see that it was a rollercoaster of words with the setting of my minds regarding LOGOS (right from deepness of the subconscious); the feeling going through an ABYSS of beliefs layered out from the onions spiral of dos and donts, laws, rules accumulated most of my journey re-surfaced :
something had to be done.
It became clear that FOCUS is working like a computer.
We absorb thru the gates that are the senses.
The most we know of are visible and palpable; where as the others are very subtle.
Using less CAPITAL characters rather became intuitive to my HigherSELF subconscious - which only speaks in SYMBOLS and IMAGES.
De-CAPITALIZE the mindsets comes in different ways.
It got me look into the word LOGOS, as in its etymology and to understand what exactly does a SYMBOL, LOGO or CHARACTER do to our SUB-mind and SUB-conscious. ^^
" The Greek philosopher HERACLITUS appears to be the first to have used the word LOGOS to refer to a rational divine intelligence, which today is sometimes referred to in scientific discourse as the "mind of GOD"
In the New Testament, the phrase "Word (LOGOS) of GOD " is found in JOHN 1:1 and another time shows GOD's desire and ability to "speak" to the Hue-Man "
"He who sacrifices the Logos principle sacrifices the idea of a living God, and he who rejects the application of this principle to Jesus as the Christ rejects his character as Christ." In other words, without an understanding of God's love, will, and power as a living and active force in the world - through the logos in the Christ and through our participation in the logos with our reason - the Christian message becomes a lifeless and inconsequential set of doctrines which can be accepted or rejected without bearing on one's life. "
Faith and Reason - Genetic Glossary
Basically, You Are What You Eat YAWYE, and You Eat with your Mouth, Ears, Nose, Skin, the invisible sensors and the astral ones we do not necessarily perceive. There are cases of people who gets programmed unconsciously and eye believe that is what a TV does when used without FOCUS.
Without diving too deeply into this topic, let's explore the ongoing SUPER FULL MOON in PISCES. There has been a lot of divine messages and omens, signs from Higher Realms.
°° But rather this time, eye would really like to honour my Ancestries , as the PISCES energies are ultimately about manifesting consciously Heavens on Earth : The ether-nal Perfection. °°
“ En cherchant à Jérusalem, Rome ou la Mecque
"In searching in Jerusalem, Rome, or Mecca For what is in IFÈ, in our ancestral library,
Aren't you placing your dignity under a shameful mortgage? Wake up, Hector!
If questionable beliefs
Did not veil your mind with ignorance, You would know that Picasso and La Fontaine
Were inspired by our African creativity, And that the most authentic of spiritualities
Can only come from the cradle of humanity."
Quelques CLÉS d'IFA - Le Petit Poète
Acknowledged in 2005 by UNESCO, the IFA system was added on the list representing the blueprint of the cultural non-material heritage of HUMANITY. After his visit down to the BENIN GULF in 20.11.2011 (earlier IFÈ) the Pope Benoit XVI stated that :
“… authentic values with the potential to educate the world , are found here and only wait to be exhalted under Godspeed and the determination of the Afrikans ...“
Very Powerful numerology with the date and the words of POWER can only resonate with my being nowadays, the more eye am allowing the memories waters to be recalled and flow naturally.
“ Thus it will be seen that EMI ( = I or EYE or EGO in Greek or IO or JE) is the complete idea of spirit and person. It is quite conceivable that in the minds of the early progenitors of the Yoruba race there may have prevailed the idea that all these elements -person, spirit, soul, life, breath, and agitation—were essential to the existence of a perfect being, namely, the first person—EMI, or MI (I), In addition to this, there is the idea of the recently departed father, the great I AM, the EMMI, breathing into and agitating, or inspiring the son who succeeds him.
The idea of death absolute is never entertained in the mind of the Yoruba. Those departed this life ever exist to inspire or terrify their successors.
The foregoing evidence of the spirituality of the Yoruba people should have prepared the mind of the student suitably for the study of the subject matter which is to follow, namely, the analysis of the Yoruba language with a view to demonstrating and, it is hoped, establishing its conformity with the Great Universal Order which I believe was ordained by God.
In the Yoruba language, spirit and person are so closely connected and are so frequently almost inseparable that there can be no doubt as to the Yorubas being a spiritual race and as to all their spiritual yearnings having been prompted by the Great Universal Spirit.
Such a beautiful country as Yorubaland, with its richly-wooded hills and valleys, its fertile plains, its rushing and its gently-flowing rivers and streams, its thunder and lightning, could not but produce such a race, and it would be astonishing were its people not deeply religious and spiritual.
It is not surprising, therefore, to find throughout the whole of the Yoruba country, and permeating every phase of Yoruba life, the expression of an inner consciousness of the existence of the Great Guiding- Spirit of the universe—Almighty God, OLLORUN, the Owner of the heavens. “
My Yoruba Alphabet - DENNETT
IFÁ is one multitude of dimensions of knowledge and wisdoms and above all a system of divination, solemnly based on the natural cycles and sounds of the universe, making a 25 letters Alpha-Beta where the names of GOD are available to ALL without prejudice.
What makes IFÁ very particular and unique is that it is untainted with no patriarchal civilisation development interruptions.
The cultures could be preserved and evolve organically till came (again) the darker days of the IFÈ people- who were well aware of the White Protagonists coming across the Deep Waters of ÓLOKÚN - could only be witnesses of their own destiny.
It was 1485, when the first Portuguese SHIPS and their Conquistadors were seen soaring at the West-Coast of the BENIN GULF.
"Millions of enslaved Africans contributed to the establishment of colonies in the Americas... Many consider a significant starting point to slavery in America to be 1619, when the privateer The White Lion brought 20 enslaved Africans ashore the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia "
Before furthering, eye'd like to raise our SUB-consciousness LOGO-Set for numbers, numerology and dates - realquick.
Numbers, being symbols, they have an even more interesting effect on the SUB, in the same extent as the images and LOGOS.
For eg. 401
SUN RA = 400 MUNs
We are EARTH being with our HEART, and the MUN satellite dancing around US, EARTH.
If distance from EARTH to MUN is 1, the distance from EARTH to SUN RA is approximately 400 times.
In IFÁ Yoruban cosmology, there are depicted more than 400 ORISHAS gods and goddesses.
They are symbolised by 401+ to co-notate their multitudes aspects of ASHÈ.
401. ATh, "the" emphatic, meaning "essence of," for A and Th are first and last letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, as ALPHA and OMEGA are of the Greek, and A and Z of the Latin.
Hence the Word Azoth, not to be confused with Azote.
(read in The Qabalah of Aleister Crowley )
Now, the 2020 Georges FLOYD happens to take place 401 years after 1619.
It is a feature of a qualified profit-sharing plan that allows employees to contribute a portion of their wages to individual accounts for later retirements and imprévus. Birthed in the US.
Now, in the astro-world there is something called the SATURN-JUPITER conjunction. An event that all ways changes the curse of narratives in History. the last one was in 2020 December 21, when we were all in GLOBAL lock-down nurturing the feelings of injustice, exclusion, dis-ease, judgements usw. The one taking place before that closest to the immensity in intensity conjunction-like was back in 1623 and here is what happened :
- Literature: The first folio edition of William Shakespeare's works was published in 1623. This collection, known as the "First Folio," included 36 of his plays and is one of the most important publications in English literature.
- Politics and War: The Thirty Years' War, a major conflict in Europe, continued during this period. In 1623, the conflict saw the involvement of various European powers, including the Holy Roman Empire and various Protestant states.
- Science: The mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler published "Harmonices Mundi" (The Harmony of the World), in which he formulated his third law of planetary motion.
- Colonization: The Dutch West India Company was established in 1621, and by 1623, it was actively involved in the trade and colonization efforts in the Americas and the Caribbean.
- Notable Births: Several notable figures were born in 1623, including the French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal.
These events reflect the cultural, scientific, and political developments of the early 17th century.
Georges Floyd passed away on the 25.5.2020.
Now, back to IFÈ.
To be placed on a map, eye would refer to the words of the Church Missionary House, back in the days of slavery - April 12, 1852.
" The Yoruba Country, lying between the 2° and 6° W. long, and 6° and 10° N. lat., and due north of the Bight of Benin, has been, for more than a quarter of a century, the chief seat of the African slave-trade. Many Negroes, and, amongst them, Mr. Crowther, now a Clergyman of the Church of England, the compiler of the following work, were re-captured from Brazilian slavers by the cruisers of the British squadron, and landed at Sierra Leone, where they received a Christian education in the schools of the Church Missionary Society. No less than 3000 of these involuntary emigrants have since returned to the land of their birth ; and it has also pleased God to bless the labours of the Society's Missionaries in the chief town, Abbeokuta, to the establishment of a flourishing Mission amongst the Aborigines, commenced August 3, 1846, and now numbering several hundred converts.
A Christian literature became at once a desideratum Crowther is at present supplying the Gospel according to St. Luke, the Acts of the Apostles,St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans,the Epistles of St. James and St. Peter, and selections of the Book of Common Prayer, embracing all the more important parts of it, except the Psalms, Epistles, and Gospels, are already published, and may, most of them, be obtained at the Society's House.(...)
And it is hoped that the present work, containing near 3000 vocables, may do much toward settling a rich and euphonous language, spoken, probably, by 3,000,000 of the African race, but till within the last ten years never reduced to writing. (...)
The work is now sent forth with the prayerful hope that it may do much, in God's hand, towards facilitating the progress of the Gospel in a land which has peculiar claims on the efforts and sympathies of England.
Church Missionary House, April 12, 1852.
Metaphors will be our ways of manoeuvring through different sciences and dimensions without poking the bears or offending no-one.
Although such emotions should lead to a good start for the PISCES - shadow work that we will explore shortly.
Stay with me here.
In this letter of the Churchman, did mention of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as in Luke, Paul, Peter and James, together with the common Prayers - which are mostly of a mutable aspects.
Again MUTABLE is dodgy, in the sense that is very influencing for the conscious and SUBconscious.
This is a very subtle way of keeping the people under a charm while appearing as liberating and civilising them.
Now the Metaphors behind Luke Paul Peter and James.
The Horsemen are the The Royal Stars :
The East Watcher Aldebaran; GEMINI (formal Taurus)
The North Watcher Regulus; VIRGO (formal Leo)
The West Watcher Antares; SAGITTARIUS (formal Scorpio)
The South Watcher Fomalhaut; PISCES (formal Aquarius)And usually common prayers would act upon the MUTABLE CROSS of our circle of LIFE : the PISCES - GEMINI - VIRGO - SAGG aspects of personality.
A very good example is the age Mutable PISCES BELIEVER we are leaving with the RELIGIONS, WARS, BELIEFS whatsoever and whatsnot.
It shows that the Church Missionary Man back in 1852, knew something or two about astrology and the unseen forces of the universe for mind-setting the same IFÈ people who once welcomed them earlier in 13th-14th century.
It is important to mention that the same Conquistadors, already had an idea of their encounters beforehand. Courtesies from the books of the Alexandrie libraries in 46 BC, where loads of wisdoms of the Ancient Egyptians civilisations have been looted, burnt and lost "forever".
Some been kept secretly in Europe for studies and exploitations.
Except nowadays with AQUARIAN AGE energies shifts, more of the occult and hidden stuffs are just popping up and re-surfacing !
Guess what happened in 46 BC : a SATURN-JUPITER Conjunction ! 1704747.630 07 May 0046 BC JC 03:06 02 SG 09′ 17″ Fire.
I wonder
The same people travelling south from the desert of Egypt, Mecca, Sudan, may have found refuge in the Sub-Saharian regions and re-started their HUMANITY journey once again. As they all ways did.
Or is it that the IFÈ people are really without origins ?
The Awakening taking different labels around the world, we the people are in need of MAAT TRUTH in order for Self-Identification, Self actualisation and Self-Realisation.
A MAN without STORY is a DOG unaware of his BARKS.
The Sons of JAKUTA (IYA UTA)
IFÁ version of the 12 sons of the ZODIAC
The core of the divination system of IFÁ can be summarised on a board called OPON IFÁ.
A board that looks just like the circle of the 12 sons of ZODIKAIUS, the Great Mother.
TESTAMENT etymologically meaning BODY(testa) - MIND (menti), the METAPHORS available in the Holy Books should be acknowledged by our ORI while reading this. THE PICTURE of THE LAST SUPPER should come to mind.
Except this time it’s YOU.
Your Mind (ORI)
Your Soul (ÈMI) and
Your Spirit (ÈMMI).
According to the books, the GREAT MOTHER is the ONE who came from NOTHING. Not BIRTHED or CONCEIVED.
SHE then birthed SETI,SUT, the 1st STAR. Sirius.
The sons of JA-KUTA is the IFÈ very version of that story.
Eye would like to introduce and explore in parallel with Western ASTROLOGY the aspects as we know it today.
YOU are your ZODIAC and YOUR zodiac is YOU.
YOUR birth chart is your HOME with the Ascendant House and the other ROOMS.
You may be born a sign, KNOWING thyself should be all so about exploring the other ROOMS aspects of your HOME.
" Know Thyself until Thyself is True "
Bro. C. Freeman-El
This being said, let's dive into the FULL-MOON which is SUPER with an ECLIPSE SOL-LUNA SOY-UNA going on.
PISCES: The Fluid, Mutable Energy of Transformation
PISCES is a mutable water sign, ruled by JUPITER and NEPTUNE, which make it both expansive and dreamy. The essences of PISCES are deeply spiritual, intuitive, and mystical. Those born under this sign carry a soulful energy—very often compassionate, empathetic, and capable of perceiving beyond the veil of reality. Among the ORISHA Panthéon, SHANGO reveal as many aspects and similarities with the PISCES.
In IFÁ Yoruban Cosmology, PISCES resonates with the energies of SHANGÓ, the ORI-SHA of Thunder and Fire ; but also with IYAMOJA, the Mother of Waters, in connection with CANCER and watery SCORPIO (OGÚN in her formal EAGLE dress).
PISCES brings an energy of flow, urging us to swim through the depths of our emotions and subconscious while seeking higher truths.
It is the soul’s final house before the dawn of a new cycle in ARIES, which OGÚN, the initiator, governs in IFÁ Cosmology system.
As the last sign of the zodiac, SHANGÓ PISCES often deals with themes of endings, release, and spiritual surrender. Just as the LAST SUPPER can be a metaphor for this period, except this time with YOU —Your Own Universe :
- Body ARA,
- Mind ORÍ
- Soul ÈMI
- Spirit ÈMMI
YOU at the center of FOCUS during this this full moon asking:
" How AM EYE balancing MY spiritual insights with the earthly experience? "
SHANGÓ PISCES birthed souls are very special. Imagine a sort of mix of VENUS and CUPIDON - which has this JUPITER-ian EXPANSIVE aspects following everyone with them arrows ? - EYYA !!!, that's SHANGÓ PISCES.
The fact SHANGÓ PISCES are the last COMMON house before the Spring of ARIES (OGÚN the initiative taker of IFÈ Yoruban ) explains the UPSIDE DOWN chaotic reality they might generate - HEAD (ORI) and FEET (ÈSÈ) next to each other.
We will see that the feet being the soles SOULS of consciousness , they are the direct connection to the EARTH. So take those s-HOES off every now and then and GROUND ONEself.
They be sometimes disappointed when their dreams do not MANIFEST in reality, they are rather okay with that as they know how to show up for themselves.
As mentioned earlier, this WATERY feeling is all so observed with their con-disciples :
- cardinal CANCER (iYAMOJA in her Motherly and Nurturing aspects) and
- fixed SCORPIO (OGÚN the justice courageous aspects).
SHANGÓ PISCES can be pretentious conceited “orgueilleux”, however low-key they be very sure of themselves in the extent which they know best.
Voyageurs at heart, explorers, researchers, rock-enthusiasts, and certainly not standing in one place at once : SHANGÓ PISCES intimately connected to the FEETS, the so-called SOULS of CONSCIOUSNESS -or is it SOLES - might explain this trait ?
SHANGÓ PISCES ♓️ all ways seems to be on a rush or a run for something, and the KARMA laws seems to watch them do.
Sooner or later they all ways end up succeeding although they are very keen to over-comforts and be less vibing with sacrifices.
SHANGÓ PISCES all ways swimming back and forth in opposite directions
Simply put, them SHANGÓ PISCES ♓️ are looking for both physical and spiritual help in the Know-Thyself journey or in finding the remedy to all their issues. They be easily egoist or ego-centered, however it’s just an attitude they having.
Because, once they are asked for collabs, a co-creative project - to expand like JUPITER , then the SHANGÓ PISCES are capable of going to extremes dedications to defend the a-likes sharing same background, convictions stories or assumptions for discovery.
And again the universe seems to give it back to them quiet well.
2 Fishes swimming opposite.
2 Axes sigils of SHANGÓ
Chaos for Dawn.
Feet to Head.
Words can have their own set of occult-busy-ness going on once you move letters, syllables or anything that would YinYang their know-etymology.
"The SUB-consciousness silently does record EVERYTHING going through senses. "
from the back of our head ORI.
In a shell, them SHANGÓ PISCES are very outwards going and community looking, to the point they might be omitting SELF-CARE and this is the opportunity this Full Moon is bringing to us and reminding us that it should first be about ONE SELF.
Being a SUPER FULL MOON, every emotions will get intensified which gives our watery feelings a way to be asserted and communicated or released.
The set of habits that ONE recognised as not serving no more; like the generational cycles - manifesting through YOU in this LIFETIME- may have the opportunity to be RELEASED.
🌑✨Planetary Alignments and Energies ✨🌑
The energies of this Super Full Moon are amplified by key planetary alignments that influence how we feel, act, and transform during this powerful lunar phase. Let’s look at the cosmic players at work:
🌊 OLOKÚN Neptune in Pisces (Ruler of Pisces) 🌊
Neptune, the ruling planet of Pisces, is currently in retrograde and amplifying our intuition, dreams, and subconscious realms. Expect vivid dreams and deep spiritual insights to come through during this time. It’s a period of connecting with your inner self and understanding your emotions on a deeper level. Take notes !
✨ OGÚN Mars in Harmony with the Full Moon ✨
Mars, the planet of action, is offering a supportive energy to the Full Moon. This gives you the drive to act on your spiritual downloads and release what no longer serves you. It’s time to channel that Piscean wisdom into bold action.
🌕 Jupiter's Square with the Full Moon 🌕
Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, is in a tense aspect with the Full Moon, pushing you to expand beyond your current boundaries. This can feel uncomfortable, but it’s essential for spiritual growth. Pisces energy helps you swim through these challenges with grace and trust.
Friends being the Family SHIPS we choose, this could be the opportunity to square out one of those SHIPS :
could be to expansion by breaking old paradigms patterns and or habits matrix.
♄ SETI Saturn Retrograde in Pisces ♄
Saturn, the planet of boundaries and structures, is retrograding through Pisces, asking us to reassess where we are too rigid in our thinking.
The full moon's light shines on where we need to soften, trust, and go with the flow.
Exploring Practising SILENCE is also going to be of a challenge as many backups and change of plans might happen meaning that ONE should focus on SELF PRESERVATION and SELFCARE, not forgetting that ONE is NOT ALONE. There is quite clear line of difference between loneliness and ALONENESS. Loneliness has this self negating degrading aspects whereas the latter revers a better aspects of SELF IDENTITFICATION, SELF REALISATION thus KNOWING THYSELF.
SHANGO PISCES birthed people should be very careful of that nature of doing MORE or being MOREE and take the time to rather feel content and okay with ONESELF by exploring the energies of this FULLMOON in their SIGN.
DROP that PRESSURE of BEING ENOUGH and just BE - that’s better than enough all ready !
Assessment with questions of what areas of your being that you could praise yourself and get some self rewards is the way to go : REFLECT .
Now up to the prompts and dropping those alpha beta tetha delta waves in scripts
Where are you in life right now, and what areas make you proud?
Take time to reflect on your current state of being and what accomplishments or qualities make you feel proud. Honor those aspects. -
What’s your next pivot?
Reflect on where you desire a shift in your life.
What does that shift look and feel like? How can you embody it? -
What habits or behaviors are not contributing to your wellness?
Identify the cycles, thoughts, behaviors, or environments that aren’t serving you and consider how to release them. -
What cycles or generational patterns do you desire to end?
Consider the lessons you’ve learned and the cycles you wish to close.
What realizations are you having, and how can you move forward? -
How have you been leading with your spirit?
Explore the areas of life where your spirit leads, and where it might not.
How can you ensure your body, mind, and spirit are aligned?
BODY follows SPIRIT .
when LEADING, its a collective feeling.
Whereas the PHYSICAL is about YOU as the EGO SELF.
KUDDOS if you made it till here !
wish you swell and send you some Astchè +
OLA Tundé
BONUS, essay of the SUPPER REVISITED with