Goodday Family! 

Did you get the chance to catch the Super Full Moon outside ?
Pretty impressive ! The Luna has been orbiting closer than usual and giving us her unique sets of emotions.
Rather this time, the Super Full Moon comes with another great Shift we should talk about !
In the previous blog, eye explained how long each of the 7 PLANeTS need to cycle around the SUN. Each one of these 7 planets (SUN being a STAR and LUNA a Satellite) has their own circle of evolution, just like the circle of the Zodiac in this other blog.

🔮 Pluto Enters Aquarius: Power to the People !

This is BIG. Pluto, the generational planet of transformation just transitioned from Capricorn into Aquarius, where it will remain for the next 20 years. 
Pluto embodies transformation, death, and rebirth. Its long orbit marks epochs of destruction and renewal - taking 248 years to cycle around the SUN thus, more or less 20 years in each of the 12 Houses.

The new shift in the Aquarian Sign (from  Capricorn) still under Saturn Ruling, loosens the explorations of these structures of beliefs set during the past 20 years. We get to use the Aquarian energies to explore these and be the transformation we do preach of.   

This is a big shift in the perception of the community energy. The transformation as starting from within are reminding us to BE THE CHANGE WE DO WANT TO SEE OUTSIDE. 


This transit signals a collective awakening: innovation, communal power, and breaking free from outdated structures, beliefs and systems. 🌀 The energies for the next 20 years are all about shared purpose, creativity, and progress. It will give time to work on releasing blockers—like the fears of being seen, feelings of unworthiness, and limiting beliefs about what one can accomplish.

Under these shifts, the Orisha Oya, Air Elemental deity symbolic of transformation and change, becomes a powerful figure that can be channeled. Usually invoking Oshun abundance and river flow to set in new situations, is what most would do.
However, invoking upon Oya Archetype and energies like the winds of change she brings, during this Full Moon and Pluto’s shift can allow us to embody and create the changes we envision.


Before jumping into the planets alignments of this Super Full Moon, let's explore the concept of Heavens on Earth (Aquarian Age)  and talk more about the 12 Signs of the Zodiac in their very nature of initiators of events and seasons. 

ALCHEMY (Al-Khem) is the science of the mysteries of the Melanin.
A very ancient parent to CHEMISTRY (Khem-istry) all originating from Khemet - Ancient Egypt in Afrika 

Everything comes in THREE. 

The Father SUL-FUR is cardinal.
The Mother MER-CURY is mutable.
The Son SALT is fixed.

This is a basic trinity in Alchemy.
Very important to grasp and inner-stand life.
Also used to transmute and manifest. 


Now let's explore the connotations of the aspects with our 12 Houses of the Zodiac. 
Remember, the 12 Houses are the 12 disciples, 12 sons of Jakob, 12 Jewels - they been mentioning in the holy religious books..The Books are talking about YOU and the 12 glands laying along your spinal nervous system and your CHAKRAS - which are very dear to our organs.



The cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs form what are often referred to as the "crosses" of the zodiac, representing key cycles of creation, transformation, and adaptation. These crosses each consist of four signs from the zodiac circle, highlighting specific energies within the cycle of life.

Eras of Change and Elemental Shifts

Era Planetary Rulership Elemental Influence Dates
FIXED Taurus Age 🐂
Venus Earth 🌍 4,300 BCE - 2,150 BCE
Mars Fire 🔥 2,150 BCE - 1 CE
MUTABLE Pisces Age ♓ BELIEVE Neptune Water 🌊 1 CE - 2,000 CE
FIXED Aquarius Age 
Saturn, Uranus Air 🌬️ 2,000 CE - onwards


Cardinal Cross Era Shifts

The Cardinal Cross involves Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn—signs linked to initiation and new beginnings. Historically, major shifts associated with Cardinal energy tend to coincide with revolutionary periods where humanity embarks on new pathways in technology, politics, and thought. 

  • Aries Age: Approximately 2000 BCE to 0 CE.
    The Aries Age brought forth warfare, the rise of empires, and individualism (symbolized by the birth of major figures like Alexander the Great).
  • Capricorn influences (starting around the late 18th century) reflect the Industrial Revolution and the rise of nation-states, suggesting shifts around the Age of Enlightenment.

Cardinal eras open new doors, preparing the world for foundational changes, such as those seen around the French Revolution, which heavily reflected the Cardinal energy of rebirth (Capricorn's role in structure-building).

Fixed Cross Era Shifts

The Fixed Cross includes Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, signs associated with stabilization, preservation, and deep transformation. Fixed signs correspond with periods where foundational shifts are solidified. 

  • The Taurus Age: Around 4000-2000 BCE, during which the agricultural revolution transformed societies by shifting focus from nomadic lifestyles to fixed settlements, leading to the establishment of civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt).
  • Aquarius Age: Begins roughly around 2000 CE and will last for approximately 2,000 years, marking the transition into a time of technological advancement, innovation, humanitarianism, and global consciousness.

Current Era: The transition into the Aquarian Age represents a shift from the Piscean Age, which was governed by spirituality, religion, and belief systems. 

Mutable Cross Era Shifts

The Mutable Cross includes Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces—signs related to adaptability, learning, and dissolution of old structures. Piscean Ages are characterized by the transcendence of materiality into spirituality.

  • Piscean Age: Approximately 0 CE to 2000 CE, which overlapped with the rise of Christianity and monotheistic religions, representing a period focused on faith, emotional consciousness, and devotion.
  • The end of the Piscean Age (circa 2000 CE) marked the final transformative period of the mutable era, where the world saw the dissolution of many old belief systems and the evolution toward more scientific, technological, and humanitarian frameworks under the incoming Aquarian Age.

Mutable crosses reflect shifts where old systems dissolve to make way for new ones—this was reflected in the collapse of empires and the rise of new ideologies, a hallmark of the Piscean-Aquarian transition.

The Aquarian Age, marked by Saturn's structure and Uranus’ innovation, emphasizes the rebuilding of society through communal effort, technology, and equality. This era mirrors Air’s qualities of communication and mental clarity, encouraging a new consciousness where humanity connects on a global scale to solve collective problems.

    Interpreting the Current World Events:

    We are witnessing unprecedented shifts—climatic, political, and social—driven by these cosmic forces. The kingdom of heaven on Earth symbolizes the harmonization of these energies: a society where the elemental forces work in balance to create a world that is sustainable, just, and spiritually aligned.

    In this time of transition, recognizing the role of these elemental energies within us can help guide both our individual paths and our collective evolution, allowing us to build a new Earth that reflects the spiritual truths of ancient wisdom: unity, love, and the harmony of all living things.

    Heaven on Earth is achieved through YinYang balance within —by understanding the cycles of initiation, transformation, and adaptation, we can manifest a new era of peace and harmony.


    This approach ties the astrological perspectives and elemental wisdom with today’s global changes, illustrating how ancient philosophies can be applied to both personal and societal transformation.


    Planetary Alignments to Watch 🌌

    1. Mars Trining the Full Moon in Leo
    🔥 Action-driven and intense!
    This alignment brings energy bursts and aha! moments.
    Be mindful of how emotions influence actions—let them fuel you toward alignment, not drain your energy.



    2. Uranus Rx in Taurus

    🌟 Heightened creativity and innovation flow during this time, but be mindful of inner fears or societal pressures that inhibit you.

    Release the belief that others’ perceptions define your worth. This is the time to create fearlessly and align with your authentic self.

    3. Neptune’s Thin Veil
    Dreams, intuition, and emotions are heightened.
    Pay attention to patterns and symbols in your dreams—they hold messages from your subconscious guiding you through this transformation.

    🌱 What to Release:

    • Fear of being perceived: Embrace your authentic self unapologetically.
    • Feelings of unworthiness: These hold no place in your higher self’s journey.
    • Attachments that block divine connection: Connect to the divine feminine and sacred masculine within, and recognize this energy in others. If connections aren’t aligned, it’s okay to let them go.

    🌸 Practices for Full Moon in Taurus:

    • Sacred Cleansing: Incorporate rituals with salt, sage, cloves, and bay leaves to clear the space for new energy.
    • Voice Activation: Sing, chant, or speak affirmations aloud to align your throat chakra. Let your voice be your power.
    • Manifestation Through Rest: Rest is just as vital to creation as action. Allow your body to align with divine timing.
    • Offerings to Your Ori: Honor your physical, mental, and spiritual altars with simple, daily offerings—like gratitude, movement, or intentional breathing.

    🌕 Prompts for Reflection:

    1. How do you incorporate rest into your manifestation process?
      How can you be more intentional about it?
    2. What ancestral or cultural practices enhance your manifestations? Which new ones can you explore?
    3. What does a self-care day for your community look like, and how would it manifest collective well-being?
    4. How does creativity play a role in your manifestation journey?
    5. What offering do you give to your Ori (spirit) daily, and how does it nourish you?

    This Super Full Moon in Taurus is your invitation to embody self-worth, creativity, and transformation. Let go of what no longer serves, anchor into your values, and use the energy of Pluto in Aquarius to step fully into your power. The collective is shifting; be the change you wish to see. ✨

    Remember, the stars and the cosmos are guiding you, but the real magic lies in how you choose to co-create with these energies. 🌌

    Till then, inspire to get inspired. Ashè

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